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Inner Engineering: A Yogi’s Guide to Joy by Sadhguru – book review

Inner Engineering by Sadhguru book review
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In spite of having everything, why aren’t we happy? What is that which is not letting us live a peaceful life? Why our grandparents were happier than us? Do we know ourselves? Do we know what life is? Inner Engineering, a book by Sadhguru, answers all these questions and many others which continue to haunt you. It teaches you how to sync your body, emotions and mind in order to live a more fulfilled life. It makes you understand the true meaning of Yoga, its importance and how it can transform you and make your life better. Though the book has many things that many readers might not agree with, and yet, I am sure, examples and concepts mentioned in this book are definitely capable enough to compel you to go on an inner journey and explore how beautiful the inner world is.

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Review by Parakashtha for Read then Wrote

Inner Engineering: A Yogi's Guide to Joy by Sadhguru – book review
  • Critical Rating


Inner Engineering: A Yogi’s Guide to Joy by Sadhguru will be an interesting and exciting book for everyone. A baffling one for those who are new to Yoga and its ramifications. A must-read for all!

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